Advent calendar find alert! I just got my hands on the bourbon cask beauty from Dubliner Whiskey Distillery: The Dubliner Irish Whiskey—a delightful blend of single malt and grain whiskies aged in bourbon casks.

Prepare your palate for a journey! It starts with radiant beams of golden malt and vanilla, leading into a symphony of orchard fruits. Honey and caramel notes follow suit, with a hint of pepper adding that perfect balance—reminiscent of your first trip to the Irish capital.

This Dubliner Irish whiskey is a versatile gem, equally at home in a cocktail or enjoyed neat or on the rocks. Rested for three years in bourbon casks, it delivers a silky-smooth finish. Fresh apple notes intermingle with melted butter and a touch of toffee, creating a delightful drink—whether enjoyed neat, on ice or mixed in a tall glass with cloudy apple juice.


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